Warikan (割り勘 - Dutch Treat) Part 2

Sep 15, 2017 23:40
Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese term "warikan" (割り勘), which means that after you had a meal with several people, everyone pays the same amount or each person pays for their own meal.

"Warukan" is very common in Japan, but there are many countries that such a payment style hasn't penetrated.

In English, you can say "Dutch treat" or "Going Dutch" to mean "warikan."

It is said that such phrases come from the fact that British people tried to fix a stingy image to Dutch people in the Age of Exploration.

Also, "splitting the bill" is a more general English phrase to mean "warikan."

Since this post will be a little long, I'd like to talk about the the remaining part (phrases to mean "warikan" in other countries) tomorrow.
割り勘 Part 2



英語では「割り勘」のことを "Dutch treat(オランダ人のおごり)" のように表現することがあります。


「割り勘」を示すより一般的な英語表現としては、"split the bill" などがあります。

No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • It is said that such phrases come from the fact that British people tried to fix a stingy image to Dutch people in the Age of Exploration.
  • It is said that such phrases come from the fact that British people tried to stereotype Dutch people as stingy in the Age of Exploration.
Interesting! It seems there are even a few academic papers written on the subject)
Thank you so much always for correcting me!
It's interesting. I will search for the papers sometime :)
You're welcome!